Image description: The close-up of the woman wearing the red loose dress and standing on the chess. She holds the dress up in the air. The king chess was laying down.
Image description: the close-up of the airplane window covered with some mushrooms. A guy was sitting with some mushrooms on his arm.
Image description: Sami was floating in hot tea with a spoon inside. She was in a swimsuit.
Image description: the cute tiny gobin is sitting on top of the mushroom holding the light. A tiny cabin was on the ground under the mushroom. The background was in the forest.
Image description: Sami was tiny sitting in the corner of the window in the bathroom and enjoying her coffee. She was looking outside. There was a snowing outside.
Image description: Sami was sitting under mushrooms while reading the book. There was a ladder on the log.
Image description: A woman with long hair was daydreaming in the window through the book. There was a candle and a plant.
Image description: Sami was holding the mirror with a reflecting of Sami looking at it. She wore a flower dress.
Image description: a person was reading the book under a fort of books. There was a candle over there.
Image description: Sami was on the wood art of mountain and eclipse. She was touching the half-moon.
Image description: Sami was cutting the small pumpkin while on the ladder. There was a lantern light next to her.
Image description: Sami was sleeping on top of the twin lens reflex. The picture was in the black and white.
Image description: Sami was sitting on an almost broken chair outside behind trees. She wore a blue lace dress and boots. She looked at the camera while there was arms popped out behind her.